Travel Photographer of the Year
Winner: Cat Vinton,UK
Young Travel Photographer of the Year
Winner, Fragile Earth: Luna Malka, Canada (age 14)
2007 winners – Portfolios
Sense of Place
Winner: Jean-Claude Louis, USA
Runner-up: Philippe Gueissaz, Finland
Highly Commended: Ashok Sinha, USA/India
Commended: Luke Duggleby,UK
One Planet, Many Lives
Winner: Timothy Allen, UK
Highly Commended: Gary Wornell, Finland
Highly Commended: Larry Louie, Canada
Commended: Jean-Claude Louis, USA
Winner: Maciej Duczynski, Poland
Runner-up: Felix Hug, Switzerland
Highly commended: Andrew Watson, Australia
Commended: James Hill, UK
2007 winners – Single images
One Shot: Amazing Faces/Special Places
Winner, Runner-up, Highly commended, Commended
2007 winners – New 7alent
Winner: Charlie Mahoney,USA
Our sponsors and partners
It would not be possible to run Travel Photographer of the Year without the support of our sponsors and partners, and we are hugely grateful for their involvement each year. Click the logo to learn more about each of Travel Photographer of the Year’s sponsor and partners.