

This four-image portfolio category is your chance to show our judges the different cultures you encounter on your travels.

This category is for cultures from anywhere in the world, both indigenous and emerging new cultures. 

We want to see the people you meet and their way of life. Capture their faces in portraits or as they interact with each other and go about their daily lives.

Show us their homes, work, families, gatherings, festivals, celebrations, traditions, religion, music, dance, food, events, sports. Take us into their world.

By entering this category twice, or entering this category once plus one of the other four-image portfolio categories once, you will automatically be considered for the top award and the title of Travel Photographer of the Year 2022.


The winner of this category will receive a magnificent signed print from National Geographic explorer and photographer and Cultural Sanctuaries Foundation co-founder, Chris Rainier. They also receive membership of The Royal Photographic Society, Radiant Photo imaging software plus a copy of Tonic magazine.

The judges will also select their favourite image from all the submitted portfolios. The winner of the Best Single Image award for each portfolio category receives a Genesis Imaging giclée exhibition print.

Our sponsors and partners

It would not be possible to run Travel Photographer of the Year without the support of our sponsors and partners, and we are hugely grateful for their involvement each year. Click the logo to learn more about each of Travel Photographer of the Year’s sponsor and partners.